Fossil Free Careers (logo)


  • 8
    Universities committed to Fossil Free Careers
  • 93115
    Students at Fossil Free Careers Universities
  • 384475
    Students in supporting organisations

Universities Committed to Fossil Free Careers

We are campaigning for all universities to end oil, gas, and mining recruitment on their campus. So far, 7 UK universities have a policy in place that ends extractive industry recruitment. Why not start up a campaign to push your university to join the list?

Fossil Free Careers Supporters

So far, 18 UK Students' Unions, collectively representing 425,965 students, have committed to boycott oil, gas, and mining recruitment events.

  • Nov 2021 - The University of Bristol Students' Union is the first in the UK to pass a Fossil Free Careers motion pledging to boycott oil, gas, and mining recruitment.

  • Dec 2021 - The University of Sussex Students' Union quickly follows, with student council voting overwhelmingly to back the Fossil Free Careers campaign.

  • Feb 2022 - The University of Edinburgh Students' Association is the first in Scotland to adopt a Fossil Free Careers motion, with 84% of student reps voting for the policy.
    • The University of Cambridge Students' Union backs the Fossil Free Careers campaign.
    • The University of Sheffield Students' Union votes to boycott all fossil fuel recruitment.
    • The National Union of Students officially endorses the campaign.
  • Mar 2022 - The For Good jobs and learning platform is the first private sector careers service to implement an Ethical Careers Policy and exclude the oil, gas, and mining industry from all student recruitment.
    • The University and College Union (UCU) Academic Related & Professional Services Staff (which represents careers service staff) passes a motion in support of Fossil Free Careers at their Annual Meeting.
    • The University of Oxford Student Union votes at Student Council to back Fossil Free Careers and boycott oil, gas, and mining industry recruitment.
  • April 2022 - Queen's University Belfast Student Union is the first on the island of Ireland to back the Fossil Free Careers campaign.
  • May 2022 - The University of Surrey Students' Union votes to boycott oil, gas, mining and arms recruitment, with students voting to back Fossil Free Careers and Arms off Campus in the same session.
  • June 2022 - The UK's largest body of university staff, the University and College Union (UCU) votes at its National Congress to back Fossil Free Careers and actively support the campaign.
  • Aug 2022 - Edinburgh UCU branch votes to back Fossil Free Careers, making it the first branch in the UK to back a local campaign.
  • November 2022 - Durham University SU votes to support Fossil Free Careers after a motion is taken to Assembly by Eco DU.
    • The Falmouth and Exeter SU releases a statement officially endorsing Fossil Free Careers after student council votes through a proposal from the Youth Climate Action group.
    • Durham University UCU branch votes to back Fossil Free Careers.
    • University of Sheffield UCU votes to back the student campaign for Fossil Free Careers at Sheffield.
  • December 2022 - Keele SU passes a motion at a Union General Meeting to boycott oil, gas, and mining recruitment.
    • Birmingham Guild of Students backs Fossil Free Careers, after putting it to an all student vote where it passes overwhelmingly with 84% in favour, 8% against.
  • January 2023 - Swansea UCU backs the Fossil Free Careers campaign at a branch meeting.
  • March 2023 - Swansea SU votes to back Fossil Free Careers in a student forum.
  • April 2023 - Goldsmiths SU passes a motion backing Fossil Free Careers.
    • Students at Cardiff SU pass a Fossil Free Careers at the Union AGM.
    • University of Brighton UNISON branch votes to back the Fossil Free Careers campaign happening on campus.
  • April 2024 - King's College London SU backs Fossil Free Careers.
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