Our Vision
Our vision is a world free from borders, where arbitrary characteristics have no impact whatsoever on opportunities and outcomes. A no borders world is currently distant and fuzzy, but no vision of justice can include violence enacted upon vulnerable, racialised people in order to control, monitor and prevent their movement. If we are able to bring about a world free from border violence, the onward path to a world free from borders will be much shorter and clearer.
To achieve this we are targeting the network of private companies who enact and profit from the countless injustices relating to detention, deportation, use of force and surveillance of migrants. UK universities are deeply entangled in this industry, with their investments, research and partnerships forming a crucial link in the production and legitimation of border violence. While university investment in the border industry can be seen as explicit approval of such cruelty, a commitment from such institutions to divest from these practices would be a huge statement delegitimising the industry and stigmatising those who participate in and profit from it.
We need liberated institutions that allow us the space and freedom to imagine and build a more just society. Divestment from the border industry is one piece of that puzzle. In solidarity with the struggles of staff, migrants, anti-arms, anti-racist and BDS campaigners at universities, we can work together towards truly liberated, revolutionary futures.
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