Migrant Justice Campaigns & Movement Building Coordinator

10 Mar 2024 17:17,

Role: Migrant Justice Campaign & Movement Building Coordinator (Internship)

Salary: £25, 322

Contract: Fixed Term 13 months.

Start date: 17th June 2025

Finish date: 16th July 2026

Location: Home based. People & Planet does not have an office and all staff members work remotely. You will be working from home and be supplied with the necessary equipment to do your job. We arrange opportunities to meet colleagues in person throughout the year, but the day to day interactions will be online.

About the role:

Our universities directly profit from violence against migrating people through investments in the companies that enthusiastically make border injustices possible. We want to build a world free from borders, and as a first step our Divest Borders Campaign is demanding that our universities divest from the border industry.

As the Migrant Justice Campaigns and Movement Building Coordinator you will play a key role in ensuring the success of this campaign, developing campaign materials, supporting student groups and providing training to students in the network.

People from Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic communities (BAME) are considered to have protected characteristics under the Equalities Act 2010. This internship is aimed at addressing the under-representation and low levels of participation of people from BAME backgrounds within these sectors by offering a paid, entry level opportunity to gain experience and training in campaigning which can be an invaluable first step in breaking into this field. As a result you are only entitled to apply for this internship if you are a member of a BAME community as noted in the eligibility criteria. (As this is a training opportunity, s.158(2)(a) of the Equality Act Employment Statutory Code of Practice applies.)

We also welcome applications from people with lived experience of migration, those from the LGBQTI community, people with disabilities, people with caring responsibilities and other groups typically under-represented in campaigning organisations. We are committed to make reasonable adjustments to enable any candidate to show their suitability for a role within People & Planet.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of the hostile environment, applicants must be able to prove they have the right to live and work in the UK.

If you have any queries please contact recruitment@peopleandplanet.org.

Application forms and information.

We have produced 4 short videos about the application process to assist you with your application. All this information is available in the guidance notes.

  1. Before You Apply
  2. The Shortlisting Process
  3. Filling out the application form
  4. The Interview Process

Please download the following documents:

  1. Job Description - Migrant Justice Campaigns and Movement Building Coordinator
  2. Guidance for completing application form. Please read to maximise your chances of success.
  3. Application Form.
  4. Equal Opportunities Form.

Please send your application, equal opportunities to recruitment@peopleandplanet.org by midnight on April 6th 2025 . Please label your email Migrant Justice Campaigns & Movement Building Coordinator with contact details in your email. No CVs please.

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