University of Manchester

Overall Summary.

People & Planet University League award class: 22

University of Manchester scored 47.8% and ranked 56th

Policy and Strategy

Publicly Available Policy

We looked at University of Manchester's publicly available environmental policy - you can read it here if we found one - but if we didn't find a policy on the university website then you won't find a link:

We wanted to see that the policy wasn't just sitting in a dusty desktop year after year and we needed to know that the policy meant something to staff, students and decision makers at the university. So to score 50% here, the policy needed to have been published within the last 5 years and demonstrate that it was reviewed regularly by someone sitting in a senior position at the university.

1 University of Manchester scored: 50/ 50% for their environmental policy

2 Targets and Strategy

The university could only score the full marks of 50% if they had set SMART targets in all 8 of key areas below, and if we could see that the strategy had been reviewed in the last 5 years, (much like the environmental policy, a strategy only works if people are using it), and we didn't give credit for strategies that were out of date. We decided that if a university wasn't setting targets for more than 5 key areas then it didn't amount to a comprehensive and they would score zero. Scores increase in line with the number of key areas the university had set targets for when considering:

  • Construction & Refurbishment
  • Emissions & Discharges
  • Community involvement
  • Biodiversity
  • Waste management
  • Travel and Transport
  • Sustainable procurement
  • Water

We found that University of Manchester is working towards targets in the following areas:

Waste management, Transport, Sustainable Procurement, Emissions and Discharges


2. University of Manchester scored 0%/50% for their sustainability strategy

Section Total: 50%

  • 50/50 Publicly available policy
  • 0/50 SMART Targets

Staff & HR

1 Senior Staff Responsibility

We looked to see whether someone in the university senior management team has responsibility for sustainability. It really helps when climate change and ethical issues are the responsibility of someone who can make decisions about how the action points can be resourced. If a senior member of staff has responsibility for sustainability, you can find them here:

1. University of Manchester scored 20/20% for senior responsibility for sustainability.

2 Number of Sustainability Staff

We also wanted to see how many staff were currently employed to work on sustainability issues, and whether students and staff could find them easily online and contact them. We thought the number of sustainability staff should be relative to the number of staff and students at the university.

University of Manchester has more than 15000 students students and 12.00 FTE sustainability staff


2 University of Manchester scored 55/55% for dedicated and expert staff

3 Sustainability Budget

Once a university has employed staff, it can be hard for them to do their job without money available. People & Planet looked for evidence that the sustainability strategy was resourced with a budget and that costs were included as part of the commitment.

3 University of Manchester scored 10/10% for staff sustainability budget

4 All Staff Participation

We looked at whether the university supported a staff engagement scheme (like Eco-Champions or inter-departmental green team competitions) to engage all staff across the university in environmental and ethical practice through training, workshops and projects.

4 University of Manchester scored 15/15% for all staff participation

Section Total: 100 %

  • 20/20 Senior Staff
  • 55/55 Sustainability Staff
  • 10/10 Budget
  • 15/15 Staff Engagement

Environmental Auditing & Management Systems

1b Internal Environmental Audits

Universities who have not undertaken an externally verified environmental management system audit could also score points (max. 40%) for conducting and publishing their own environmental audits.

Areas considered for audit:

  • Waste management

  • Travel and Transport

  • Sustainable Procurement

  • Energy

  • Water

  • Construction & Refurbishment

  • Emissions & Discharges

  • Biodiversity

University of Manchester was found to have audited the following areas:

Travel and Transport, Sustainable Procurement, Energy

1b. University of Manchester scored 15/40% for internal environmental audits

Section Total: 15%

  • 15/30 Internal Audit


Ethical Investment and Banking

1a Ethical Investment Policy

Investments in the fossil fuel industry or arms trade can be contradictory to an institutions broader sustainability aims and goals. A strong ethical investment policy makes sure an institution’s investments and banking practices are conducted transparently and in an economically-viable, socially-responsible manner. Points were awarded for covering the full scope of an institution's investments and being signed off by a senior member of staff. If University of Manchester has an ethical investment policy, it can be found below:

1a University of Manchester scored 10/10% for its ethical investment policy

1b. Specifics within the policy:

Addititonal points were awarded for specific within the policy:

  • include student representation on their investment committee
  • publicly listing their investments annually
  • There are clear ongoing opportunities for the wider student body and staff community to engage with the policy.

1b University of Manchester scored 10/15% for specific within its ethical investment policy

2 Commitment to screen out specific sectors

Universities who have made a commitment in policy to screen out specific sectors, such as fossil fuel companies, arms companies and companies in violation of international law.

2a University of Manchester scored 35/35% for its commitment in policy to screen out fossil fuel investments

2b University of Manchester scored 5/10% for its commitment in policy to screen out investments in arms companies

2c University of Manchester scored 0/5% for its commitment in policy to screen out border industry companies

2d University of Manchester scored 0/5% for its commitment in policy to screen out investments in companies in violation of international law


3 Reinvesting Divested Funds

Universities were awarded points for commitments in policy to reinvest divested funds in renewable energy or on community-owned energy on campus.

3 University of Manchester scored 0/5% for its commitment in policy to reinvest divested funds

4 Ethical Banking

Universities were awarded points for having an ethical banking policy reported on at senior level. If University of Manchester has an ethical banking policy you will find it below


4a University of Manchester scored 0/5% for its ethical banking policy

4b University of Manchester scored 0/5% for excluding banks that finance fossil fuels in its ethical banking policy

5 Transparency and accountability

In the interests of transparency and accountability, universities were rewarded for hosting key policy documents publicly on their websites.

5a University of Manchester scored 1/1% for having an easily accessible and public ethical investment policy.

5b University of Manchester scored 1/1% for having an easily accessible and public annual list of investments.

5c University of Manchester scored 1/1% for having an easily accessible and public list of committee members that oversee investments.

5d University of Manchester scored 0/1% for having an easily accessible and public meeting minutes that provide updates on investment policy reviews and divestment/investment status

5e University of Manchester scored 0/1% for having an easily accessible and public ethical banking policy.

Section Total: 63%

  • 10/10 Ethical Investment Policy
  • 10/15 Specifics in Policy
  • 35/35 Fossil Fuel Exclsuion
  • 5/10 Arms Company Exclusion
  • 0/5 IBorder industry Exclusion
  • 0/5 International Law Exclusion
  • 0/5 Reinvestment
  • 0/5 Ethical Banking
  • 0/5 Exclude Fossil Fuels
  • 1/1 Has Policy
  • 1/1 Has Investment List
  • 1/1 Lists committee
  • 0/1 Meeting Minutes
  • 0 Ethical Banking

Ethical Careers and Recruitment

1a. Ethical Careers Policy

Universities often have a policy outlining which sectors or companies they will advertise vacancies for, if University of Manchester has a careers policy you will find it below:

1a University of Manchester scored 10/10% for having a valid careers policy.

We awarded points for specifics within that carbon management plan:

1b University of Manchester scored 5/5% for being updated in the last 5 years.

Commitment to Screen Out Specific Sectors

2a University of Manchester scored 0/50% for committing to screen out recruitment links with the fossil fuel industry.

2b University of Manchester scored 0/10% for committing to screen out recruitment links with the mining industry.

2c University of Manchester scored 0/10% for committing to screen out recruitment links with the arms industry.

2d University of Manchester scored 5/5% for committing to screen out recruitment links with the tobacco industry.

Transparency and Accountability

3a University of Manchester scored 6/6% for having clear and accessible information on careers staff structure

3b University of Manchester scored 0/4% for having detailed information on combined careers services and 3rd party relationships.

Section total: 26%

  • 10/10 Careers Policy
  • 5/5 In Date
  • 0/50 Fossil Fuel
  • 0/10 Mining
  • 0/10 Arms
  • 5/5 Tobacco
  • 6/6 Career Structure
  • 0/4 3rd Party Relationships

Managing Carbon

1 Carbon Management Plan

Universities should all have a plan for managing and reducing their carbon emissions, if University of Manchester has a carbon management plan you will find it below:

We awarded points for specifics within that carbon management plan:

1a University of Manchester scored 5/5% for a carbon emissions baseline for 2005 or later which covers all scope 1 and 2 emissions.

1b University of Manchester scored 5/5% for  a carbon reduction target for covering scope 1 & 2, consistent with an 80% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050 at a minimum AND at least one milestone towards this target before 2030

1c University of Manchester scored 5/5% for a budget for the carbon reduction plan.

1d University of Manchester scored 5/5% for named persons or titles responsible for the carbon reduction plan.

1e University of Manchester scored 5/5% for a reporting mechanism for monitoring the carbon management plan.

2 Carbon Management and scope 3 emissions

2a University of Manchester scored 5/5% for including scope 3 emissions in the carbon management plan

2b University of Manchester scored 5/5% for reporting scope 3 emissions to HESA via the EMR record

2c University of Manchester scored 3/5% for calculating total carbon emissions relating to residential accommodation.

3 Scope 3 Baselines and Targets

University of Manchester's carbon management plan was found to have scope 3 baselines in the following areas:

Waste, Water, Procurement, Travel: business trips, Travel: commute

3a Therefore they scored 25%/30% for the scope 3 baselines in their carbon management plan

University of Manchester's carbon management plan was found to have scope 3 targets in the following areas:

Waste, Water, Procurement, Travel: business trips, Travel: commute

3b Therefore they scored 0/30% for the scope 3 targets in their carbon management plan

Section total: 63%

  • 5/5 2005 emissions baseline
  • 5/5 CO2 Target
  • 5/5 CO2 Reduction Budget
  • 5/5 Named Persons
  • 5/5 Reporting
  • 5/5 Scope 3 in CMP
  • 5/5 Scope 3 to HESA
  • 3/5 Residential
  • 25/30 Scope 3 Baselines
  • 0/30 Scope 3 Targets

Workers' Rights

1 A Living Wage University

1 University of Manchester scored 30/30%

2 Equality for Outsourced Staff

Points were awarded if universities had a policy that monitors equality of pay and conditions between in-house and outsourced staff.

2 University of Manchester scored 15/15%

3 Fairtrade

3 University of Manchester scored 0/5%

4 Monitoring and Reforming the Supply Chain

Universities were awarded points if they were a member of Electronics Watch or Purchasing Consortium

4 University of Manchester scored 30/35%

5 Can't Buy My Silence universities pledge

5 University of Manchester scored 5/5%

6 Proportion of all Academic Staff are on Fixed Term Contracts

University of Manchester scored 0/10%

Section total: 80%

  • 30/30 Living Wage
  • 15/15 External Staff
  • 0/5 Fairtrade
  • 30/35 Supply Chains
  • 5/5 Can't Buy My Silence
  • 0/10 % Academic Staff on Fixed Term Contracts

NB all accreditations were for the period July-August 2022

Sustainable Food

1 Sustainable Food Policy

If the university has a policy on sustainable food reported on at senior level you will find it below:


1 University of Manchester scored 20/20% for its sustainable food policy.

2 Contracts

This question pertains to food procured through individual suppliers, consortia and other catering purchasing organisations, and to the catering contracts and sub-contracts held, tendered and re-tendered by universities where catering services might be outsourced, i.e. halls of residence catering provisions or staff and student dining provisions.

2 University of Manchester scored 20/20% for its tender specifications within food policy.

3 Sustainable Food Framework

One of the most common ways to measure commitment to sustainable catering in the public sector is through the achievement of an externally assessed sustainable food award, such as the Soil Association’s Food for Life Served Here award, or the Food Made Good Membership by the Sustainable Restaurant Association.

3 University of Manchester has None and therefore received 0/40%

4 Community Food

4 University of Manchester scored 20/20% for providing space or support for community food projects

Section total: 60%

  • 20/20 Food Policy
  • 20/20 Tender Specifications
  • 0/40 Food Accreditation
  • 20/20 Community Food

Staff and Student Engagement

1 Staff and Student Engagement Strategy

Points were awarded for publishing a strategy detailing how universities will engage students and staff. If they had a staff and student engagement strategy you will find it below:

1 University of Manchester scored 30/30% for having a publicly available student an staff engagement strategy.

2 Student and Staff Engagement Actions

2a University of Manchester scored 5/5% for offering oversight and involvement opportunities to students and staff for the development and ongoing monitoring of the university Carbon Management Plan.

2b University of Manchester scored 5/5% for actively supporting an environment themed week.

2c University of Manchester scored 5/5% for providing funds for student led sustainability projects.

3 Staff Inductions

3 University of Manchester scored 10/10% for including sustainability policy in staff inductions.

4 Trade Union engagement

4 University of Manchester scored 10/10% for inviting trade union members to sit on committees that oversee sustainability.

5 Student Representation

5 University of Manchester scored 25/25% for student representatives to sit on committees that oversee sustainability.

6 Student's Union

6 University of Manchester scored 0/10% for the student union working towards continual improvement in environmental sustainability

Section Total: 90%

  • 30/30 Engagement Strategy
  • 5/5 CMP Involvement
  • 5/5 Environment Week
  • 5/5 Student Projects
  • 10/10 Staff Inductions
  • 10/10 Trade Union
  • 25/25 Student Representation
  • 0/ 10 Student Union

Education for Sustainable Development

1 Commitment and Governance for Education for Sustainable Development.

If the university demonstrates commitment to ESD through a high level of strategy, find out how below:

1 University of Manchester scored 20/20% for demonstrating commitment to ESD.

2 Implementing and tracking progress in Education for Sustainable Development

If the university is using a strategy to map its progress towards integrating ESD into the curriculum, find out how below:

University has developed its own strategy for implementing ESD 25%

2a University of Manchester scored 25/25% for using a strategy for ESD.

2b University of Manchester scored 20/20% for using a reporting mechanism for ESD.

3 Supporting Academic Staff

3 University of Manchester scored 10/10% for providing training and support to academic staff for ESD

4 Education for Sustainable Development Actions

4a University of Manchester scored 10/10% for using its campus as a living lab.

4b University of Manchester scored 10/10% for highlighting research in sustainability.

5 Equal Access to Higher Education

5a University of Manchester scored 1/1% for offering multiple scholarships to asylum seekers and individuals who have been granted a status as a result of an asylum claim, but do not yet have access to student finance.

5b University of Manchester scored 1/1% for offering multiple scholarships to studenith with refugee status or humanitarian protection.

5c University of Manchester scored 1/1% for offering multiple scholarships for the full duration and cost of the degree programme, or a full fee waiver, for people with other limited forms of leave to remain in the UK

5d University of Manchester scored 1/1% for offering support for living costs equivalent to that received through student finance to any of the groups in Education for Sustainable Development questions 5.a-5.c

5e University of Manchester scored 1/1% including any of the groups mentioned in questions 5a-d in their Access and Participation plan.

Section Total: 100%

  • 20/20 ESD Strategy
  • 25/25 ESD Framework
  • 20/20 ESD Reporting
  • 10/10 Academic Training
  • 10/10 Living Lab
  • 10/10 Sustainability Research
  • 1/1 Asylum Seeker Scholarships
  • 1/1 Refugee Scholarships
  • 1/1 Limited Leave to Remain scholarships
  • 1/1 Living Costs
  • 1/1 Access and Participation Plan


Energy Sources

This section has been taken directly from the 2020/2021 Estates Management Record from the Higher Education Statistics Agency. Universities have been scored by banding values into groups.

1a  University of Manchester scored 18/55% for its percentage of renewable energy generated onsite or off site compared to consumption of grid electricity.

1b University of Manchester scored 0/45% for its total percentage of renewable energy purchased through green tariffs.

Section Total: 18%

  • 18/55 Renewable %

  • 0/45 Green Tariff %

Waste and Recycling

This section has been taken directly from the 2020/2021 Estates Management Record fom the Higher Education Statistics Agency. Universities have been scored by banding values into groups.

1 University of Manchester scored 0/50% for the percentage waste recycled, composted or anaerobically digested, excluding construction waste (that classified as “other” in the EMR)

2 University of Manchester scored 25/50% for the percentage waste recycled, composted or anaerobically digested, excluding construction waste per head of FTE students and staff.

Section Total: 25%

  • 0/50 % Reused

  • 25/50 Waste mass per head

Carbon Reduction

This section has been taken directly from the 2020/2021 Estates Management Record from the Higher Education Statistics Agency. Universities have been scored by banding values into groups.

1 University of Manchester scored 0/50% for its change in carbon intensity.

2 University of Manchester scored 12.5/50% for its reduction in scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions since a 2005 baseline.

Section Total: 12.5%

  • 0/50 Yearly CO2 Reduction

  • 12.5/50 2005 CO2 Reduction

Water Reduction

This section has been taken directly from the 2020/2021 Estates Management Record from the Higher Education Statistics Agency. Universities have been scored by banding values into groups.

1 University of Manchester scored 16.75/67% for its water consumption per head.

2 University of Manchester scored 0/33% for its use of grey or rainwater.

Section Total: 16.75%

  • 16.75/67 Water use per head

  • 0/33 Grey Water
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